Key Web 3.0 Features and Technologies
Several key Web 3.0 features define what this third generation of the web will likely be all about:
Unlike the first two generations of the web, where governance and applications were largely centralized, Web 3.0 will deliver applications and services through a distributed approach that doesn’t depend on a central authority.
Blockchain decentralization is the enabler for Web 3.0’s distributed applications and services. With blockchain, data is managed and validated on a broadly distributed, peer-to-peer network. Blockchain also employs a theoretically immutable ledger of transactions and activity, which helps to verify the authenticity and build trust among blockchain participants.
Cryptocurrency is a key Web 3.0 feature that is expected to largely replace the “fiat currency” issued by government central banks.
Semantically Organized:
The idea behind the Semantic Web is to categorize and store information in a way that helps “teach” an AI-based system what data means. Websites will be able to understand the words in search queries the same way a human would, enabling them to generate and share better content.
Autonomous and Artificially Intelligent:
More overall automation is a critical Web 3.0 feature, and it will largely be powered by AI. Websites equipped with AI will filter through and provide the data individual users need.
Note: All photos of this post were received from Freepik.